Repertoire List
*Commissions and premiere or group premiere performance
Concerti*Blackhorse, William Mnicakmun *Chamberlain, Nicole Foxfire Dorff, Daniel Flash! Mozart Concerto in G Major, K. 313 Newman, Jonathan Concertino Perrine, Andrew Child Moon Puckett, Joel Shadow of Sirius Popp, Wilhelm La Chasse Telemann, Suite in A minor Vivaldi, Antonio Concerto in C major RV 443 Solo FluteAitken, Robert Icicle Al-Ahmad, Lora Two Skazkas Arnold, Malcolm Fantasy Bach, C.P.E. Solo Sonata in A minor Bach, J.S. Partita in A minor Beeftink, Herman Flamenco Bennet, Rodney Sonatina for solo flute Bozza, Eugène Image Brown, Elizabeth Botanical Obsessions *Chamberlain, Nicole Death Whistle (piccolo) Chamberlain, Nicole Asphyxia Chamberlain, Nicole Thrive (bass flute) Chin, Hong-da Mimosa (piccolo) Coleman, Valerie Danza la Mariposa Dahl, Ingolf Variations on a Swedish Folktune Davis, Tyson Absolute Zero (alto) Debussy, Claude Syrinx Dick, Robert Lookout! Esmail, Reena Pathways to Desire Esmail, Reena Zinfandel Ferroud, Pierre-Octave Trois Pieces Hailstork, Adolphus Flute Set Hailstork, Adolphus FlIght Hailstork, Adolphus Yuhwa Harberg, Amanda Don't Forget to Write Honneger, Arthur Danse de la Chèvre Hoover, Katherine Winter Spirits Ibert, Jacques Piéce Kuhlau, Friedrich Fantasie No. 3, Op. 38 *Leiter, Cherise a voice silenced ... a voice sings Loggins-Hull, Allison Homeland McCall, Lauren Fantasy *Osberg, Kimberly - Hoppy Feet Pineda, Raimundo El Bachiano Richards, Paul Yussel's Prayer Rivier, Jean Oiseaux Tendres Shekhar, Nina Zoo Songs Simon, Carlos move-it! Takemitsu, Toru Air, Itinerant, and Voice Telemann, George Fantasias (multiple) Varèse, Edgard Density 21.5 *Weinberg, Yoshi Some people are flowers with Fixed MediaBeglarian, Eve I Will Not Be Sad in This World Beglarian, Eve Can I Have it Without Begging? Brown, Elizabeth Antarctica Brown, Elizabeth Arcana Zare, Roger Bunun Fantasy (alto flute) with PianoBach, J.S. Sonata in B and E minor, E-flat and E major Bassingthwaithe, Sarah House of Doors (arr. for piano) Bartok, Bélá Suite Paysanne Hongroise Boehm, Theobold Grand Polonaise Borne, Francis Carmen Fantasy Burton, Eldin Sonatine Caplet, Andre Reverie et Petite Valse Chaminade, Cecile Concertino (arr. for piano) *Coleman, Valerie Amazonia (version 1 and 2) Coleman, Valerie Wish Sonatine Copland, Aaron Duo Dutilleux, Henri Sonatine Enesco, George Cantabile et Presto Faure, Gabriel Fantasie Ganne, Louis Andante et Scherzo Gieseking, Walter Sonatine Gluck, Christoph Minuet and Dance Handel, Sonatas (various) Harberg, Amanda Sonata for Piccolo Higdon, Jennifer Flute Poetic Hindemith, Paul Sonata Hue, George Fantasie Kuhlau, Friedrich Divertissement No. 1 in G, Op. 68 Linicum-Blackhorse, William Mnicakmun Martin, Frank Ballade Martinu, Bohuslav Sonata McMichael, Catherine Baikal Journey Messiaen, Olivier Le merle noir Mower, Mike Sonata "Latino" Mozart, Wolfgang Andante in C (arr. for piano) Mozart, Wolfgang Concerto in G KV. 313 (arr.) Mozart, Wolfgang Concerto in D KV 314. (arr.) Muczynski, Robert Sonata *Pann, Carter Giantess Poulenc, Francis Sonata Prokofiev Sonata in D Reinecke, Carl Ballade and Sonata "Undine" Sancan, Pierre Sonatine Schubert, Franz Intro and Variations on Trockne Blumen Schocker, Gary Sonata for a Lonely Planet (alto flute) Schumann, Robert Three Romances, Op. 94 Schwantner, Joseph Black Anemones Ta, Jin Sonata "Mongol" Taktakishvili, Otar Sonata Telemann, George Sonatas (various.) Quantz, Joachim Concerto in G (arr. for piano) Vivaldi Piccolo Concerto, RV 443 (arr. for piano) Widor, Charles-Marie Suite, Op. 34 Duos and Trios*Batzner, Jay Anagram Fragments (with saxophone) Bennet-Thomas, David Moments (bass cl. and bass flute) Brown, Elizabeth Lunette (two flutes) Chamberlain, Nicole Lilliputian (picc and music box) Chamberlain, Nicole Mimic (two piccolos) *Chamberlain, Nicole Screamocity (piccolo/ C trumpet) Coleman, Valerie Hair, Cloth, and Thread (flute/percussion) Debussy, Claude Sonate (harp and viola) Douglas, Marie Tray (clarinet and horn) Dring, Madeleine Trio (oboe and piano) *Dunker, Amy Sprint! (trumpet) Farr, Gareth Kembang Suling (marimba) Gaubert, Philippe On a Clear Morning (cello and piano) Higdon, Jennifer Bentley Roses (mezzo and piano) Hoover, Katherine Suite for 2 Flutes, Op. 17 Inghelbrecht, Desire Emile Sonatine (harp) Koechlin, Charles Epitaph de Jean Harlow (sax and piano) Kuhlau, Friedrich Duo Concertante Op. 80/81 (two flutes) Liebermann, Lowell Sonata (harp) Long, Zhou Su (harp) Martinez, Patricia los tiempos del alma (cello) Mozart, Wolfgang Concerto for flute and harp (arr.) Neher, Lisa Listen to All Things Burning (mezzo) Piazzolla, Astor Histoire du Tango (guitar) *Piunno, Nicole Brief Transit (trumpet) Ran, Shulamit Flight of the Brave Chicken (clarinet) Ran, Shulamit Sonatina (two flutes) Snowden, Jonathan Mobbing Calls (percussion) Srinivasan, Asha Dviraag (cello) Villa-Lobos, Hector Choros (clarinet) York, Barbara Amuse-bouche (trumpet) Zare, Roger Re(Inventions) (saxophone) Zyman, Samuel Fantasia Mexicana (two flutes and piano) *Zyman, Samuel Intuition (two flutes) Wind QuintetsBarber, Samuel Summer Music Hindemith, Paul Kleine Kammermusik Klughardtt, August Quintett, Op. 79 Lefevbre, Charles Suite, Op. 57 Milhaud, Darius La Cheminée du roi rené Reicha, Anton Quintet in E-flat, Op. 88 Stamp, Jack Quintet |
Flute Quartets, Quintets, and ChoirsBartholomiu, Henri Les Chats Bassingthwaite, Sarah Voices on the Wind Beeftink, Herman Frequency *Bost-Sandberg, Lisa Starling Bozza, Eugene Jour d'ete a la montagne Brown, Elizabeth Baths of Caracalla Castérède, Jacques Flutes en Vacance Chamberlain, Nicole Beyond the Pale Chamberlain, Nicole The Cats Pajamas Chamberlain, Nicole Enter Sandman Chamberlain, Nicole French Quarter Chamberlain, Nicole Tamar *Chamberlain, Nicole Spooklight Dubois, Pierre Max Quatour Folio, Cynthia Quintlexia *Hallman, Joseph wind-up birds *Kahkonen, Gay Missouri Adventure Macy, Carleton Intensity Masseli, Giordano Kids' Stuff McMichael, Catherine A Gaelic Offering McMichael, Catherine Falconer McMichael, Catherine Salt of the Earth *McKennon, Anne Flamingo! *Osberg, Kimberly Fowl Play Rozman, Anze Aqua et Ventus *Wolfe, Julia Oxygen Larger Chamber WorksBach, J.S. Magnificat Bird, Arthur Serenade for wind instruments Cerrone, Christopher I will learn to love a person Chamberlain, Nicole Moxie Figgis-Vitizuela, Inti Openwork, knotted object Gonoud, Charles Petite Symphonie in B-flat Heredia, Carolina Negative Image Higdon, Jennifer Zaka! Jacob, Gordon Old Wine in New Bottles Milhaud, Darius Le Création du monde, Op. 81 Morris, Alyssa Where the Colors Fall O'Halloran, Emma Constellations Osberg, Kimberly Passing Through Poulenc, Francis Sextet for piano and winds Seo, Juri Birds, Bees, and Electric Fish Strauss, Richard Serenade in E-flat, Op. 7 Strauss, Richard Suite in B-flat, Op. 4 Stravinsky, Igor Octet for winds Orchestral/Opera/BalletBarber, Samuel Knoxville - Summer of 1915 Barber, Samuel Overture School for Scandal Bartok, Béla Romanian Dances Beach, Amy Bal Masque, Op. 22 Beethoven, Ludwig Overtures: Egmont, Coriolan Beethoven, Ludwig Symphonies: 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 Berlioz, Hector Damnation of Faust Berlioz, Hector Roman Carnival Berlioz, Hector Symphonie Fantastique Bernstein, Leonard Candide Overture Bernstein, Leonard On the Waterfront Bernstein, Leonard Three Dances from On the Town Bernstein, Leonard West-Side Story Symphonic Dances Bizet, George L'Arlesienne Suite No. 1 and 2 Blake, Howard The Snowman (entire film score) Borodin, Alexander Polovstian Dances from Prince Igor Brahms, Johannes Double Concerto, Op. 102 Brahm, Johannes Overtures: Academic Festival, Tragic Brahms, Johannes Piano Concerto 1 and 2 Brahms, Johannes Variations on a Theme by Haydn Brahms, Johannes Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 77 Bruch, Max Violin Concerto Brubeck, Dave and Chris Ansel Adams America Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel Petite Suite Copland, Aaron Billy the Kid (excerpts) Copland, Aaron El Salón México Copland, Aaron Rodéo (excerpts) Copland, Aaron The Tenderland Davies, Maxwell An Orkney Wedding Debussy, Claude Image Debussy, Claude La Mer Debussy, Claude Nocturnes Debussy, Claude Prélude d'après-midi d'un faune Dukas, Paul Sorceror's Apprentice Dvorak, Anton Carnival Overture Dvorak, Anton Slavonic Dances Dvorak, Anton From the New World Elgar, Edward Enigma Variations Gershwin, George Piano Concerto in F Gershwin, George Porgy and Bess Gershwin, George Rhapsody in Blue Gold, Ernest Exodus (excerpts from film score) Handel, George Friedrich Julius Caesar Handel, George Friedrich Samson Hanson, Howard Symphony No. 2 Haydn, Franz Joseph Nelson Mass Hindemith, Paul Mathis de Mahler Holst, Gustav The Planets Humperdinck, Engelbert Hansel and Gretel Ippolitov-Ivanov Caucasian Sketches Jarre, Maurice-Alexis Lawrence of Arabia (film score suite) Liszt, Franz Piano Concerto No. 2 Liszt, Franz Les Preludes Mahler, Gustav Symphony 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Mahler, Gustav Des Knaben Wunderhorn Mahler, Gustav Kindertotenlieder Mahler, Gustav Ruckert-lieder Mascagni, Pietro L'amico Fritz Mecham, Kirke Tartuffe Mendelssohn, Felix Symphony No. 4 "Italian" Mozart, Wolfgang Concerti: misc. Piano, Clarinet, Bassoon Mozart, Wolfgang Don Giovanni Mozart, Wolfgang The Magic Flute Mozart, Wolfgang Marriage of Figaro Mozart, Wolfgang Symphonies 29, 40, 41 Musgrave, Thea Phoenix Rising Mussorgsky, Modest Night on Bald Mountain Mussorgsky, Modest Pictures at an Exhibition Orff, Carl Carmina Burana Price, Florence Mississippi River Suite Powell, John How to Train Your Dragon (full score) Prokofiev, Sergi Romeo and Juliet Suite Puccini, Giacamo La Bohème Puccini, Giacamo Gianni Schicchi Puccini, Giacamo Suor angelica Puccini, Giacamo Tosca, excerpts Puccini, Giacamo Manon excerpts Rachmaninoff, Sergei Symphonic Dances Rachmanioff, Sergei Rhapsody on Themes of Paganini Ravel, Maurice Bolero Ravel, Maurice Concerto for the Left Hand Ravel, Maurice Daphnis et Chloe Suite No. 2 Ravel, Maurice Mother Goose Suite Ravel, Maurice Piano Concerto Ravel, Maurice La Valse Respighi, Ottorino Pines of Rome, Fountains of Rome Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai Scheherazade Rimsky-Korsakova, Nicolai Procession of the Nobles Saint-Saens, Camille Danse macabre Saint-Saens, Camille Symphony No. 3 "Organ" Sawyers, Philip Symphony No. 5* Schubert, Franz Unfinished Symphony Shostakovich, Dmitri Festive Overture Shostakovich, Dmitri Symphony No. 5 and No. 10 Shore, Howard Lord of the Rings Suite Sibelius, Jean Finlandia Sibelius, Jean Karelia Suite Sibelius, Jean Symphony 2, 4, and 6 Smetana, Bedrich Die Moldau Smetana, Bedrich Three Dances from Bartered Bride Still, William Grant Afro-American Symphony Strauss, Johann Voices of Spring Waltz Strauss, Richard Also sprach Zarathustra Strauss, Richard Alpine Symphony Strauss, Richard Aus Italien Strauss, Richard Der Rosenkavalier Suite Strauss, Richard Tod und Verklärung Stravinsky, Igor Firebird (1945) Stravinsky, Igor Rite of Spring Tchaikovsky, Piotr Festival Coronation March Tchaikovsky, Piotr Nutcracker Tchaikovsky, Piotr Overture to Romeo and Juliet, 1812 Tchaikovsky, Piotr Swan Lake excerpts Tchaikovsky, Piotr Symphony No. 4, 5 and 6 Tchaikovsky, Piotr Violin Concerto Torke, Michael Sky Concerto for violin Verdi, Giuseppi Messa da Requiem Verdi, Giuseppi La Forza del Destino Overture Wagner, Richard Wotan's Farewell Williams, John Star Wars (various film scores, suites) Zimmer, Hans Pirates of the Caribbean (entire film score) |